Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reason Why There Is So Much Skin Cancer Today

Reason Why There Is So Much Skin Cancer Today

The cause of skin cancer and melanomas does not lie entirely with the sun. If it did our ancestors would not have survived and we wouldn’t be here. It was almost unheard of 100 years ago and it’s been slowly increasing over the last 40 to 50 years. Cases of melanomas have doubled in the U.K. in the past 30 years.

The sun hasn’t got any stronger and the ozone layer is still intact, but the foods we consume on a daily basis have changed vastly. It’s the sun, combined with nutritional deficiency that causes skin cancer. It’s the irritation caused by the sun burn that will determine where the cancer will take hold, but it’s the nutritional deficiencies and other lifestyle factors that causes it to grow, that’s why it keeps appearing after treatments. The only ways to cure any skin cancers or melanomas are to address the underlying causes.

 Cancer is not a 100 different diseases as we have become to believe but one disease in over 100 different locations. All cancers have mostly common causes. Remember that many people get skin cancer in areas of the body that don’t see a lot of the sun, like the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands. Also dark skin people get skin cancer just as much as fair skin people. The reasons why a person develops any cancer are well known, and to cure it, all these issues you must address.

The underlying causes are our lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, the use of too many toxic chemicals, many of which are know to be carcinogenic, our sedentary lifestyle, which because of it, our built in defence system which is our immune system has become sluggish and lastly emotional stress which does have a major health impact on the human body, including cancer.

Melanomas can be very aggressive so if one wants to cure themselves, they need to address all the factors mentioned above. Today we consume many foods which are not suitable for human consumption. For instance, processed foods which nearly all contain fat, salt or refined sugar and those 3 items are known contributors to cancer. The toxic chemicals we use on a daily basis which are mostly in personal care products and are absorbed into our body through our pores. Then we can thank the ubiquitous automobile for our lack of exercise. We need exercise to rid the body of toxins, as it boosts the immune system making it work more efficiently.

Emotional stress or unresolved conflict, not letting go of a problem, which might be the loss of a close friend, a business crisis or bankruptcy can have a major effect on the immune system and all cancers are simply disease of a weak immune system.

There is no mystery about the causes of skin cancer or any other cancer. If you want to achieve a permanent cure, it is essential to eat freshly grown food everyday which is of paramount importance, remove all toxic chemicals, and get some exercise. If you are in the sun use some common sense and cover up during the hottest part of the day. That is the only way to become free of the disease….for good!

Skin cancer and melanomas are an entirely preventable and curable disease and our modern medical approaches are not necessary the most effective approach to healing cancer patients.

By: Alan-nz

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Skin Cancer: Understanding The Three Types Of Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer: Understanding The Three Types Of Skin Cancer

These days thousands of cases of skin cancer has been reported. Skin cancer is increasing day by day with the increasing rate. The skin cancer can be defined in three parts. All of these skin cancers are dangerous for he humans. These three skin cancers are as follow:

Melanoma- This is the first amongst three types of skin cancers. This can start with a point that is in the moles and this rapidly spread all over the body and this can lead to the death of the infected person. It is advised that if anyone has moles which have irregular borders and are of multiple colors must get checked through a specialist.

Usually people takes it lightly, some takes it as the season changing effects and some takes it in any other way but this has to be treated well because if this is take n lightly then this can lead to the death of the patient. The moles which are extremely opposite to these that is the moles with the regular borders and with the single colors are out of the reach of the skin cancer threat.

Squamous cell cancer- This is also a very dangerous skin cancer type. This type of skin cancer do not spread regularly as it shows its impact occasionally and when it spreads all over the body it could be much more dangerous that melanoma even. It is again advised that whenever one feels that with a very low speed he is receiving some sorts of infection then he must consult a specialist before it gets uncontrollable.

Basal cell skin cancer- This is the third, last and the most common type of the skin cancer. This type of skin do not spread through body and there are very rare chances that if this spreads from the body also this is the only type of skin cancer which can be cured by the 100% of the lesion. These cancers can not be stopped if they reach their speed and the only way to stop them is to wait until they get through with their entire activity and up to that period the patient will not survive.

Therefore, it is recommended that people must take care of them because if they get trapped by any of this type then this would be very difficult even for the doctor to cure them.

The symptoms for the basal cell skin cancer are that it develops some scaly surface on the area which is usually exposed in the light. There are special creams available to remove this kind of infection which is known as actinic keratosis and the special cream which is advised to remove this is imiquimod. Usually what people do is that they leave that red area as it is and that infection gets enough time to make his own way and this is the reason why the person get trapped by this skin cancer.

Always keep in mind that early detection is your best weapon against any types of cancer.

To Your Health!

By: James S. Pendergraft

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Skin Cancer Of The Foot And Ankle: An Epidemic

Skin Cancer Of The Foot And Ankle: An Epidemic
Skin cancer of the legs, ankles, and feet are some of the most overlooked cancers.

They are found in locations where most people consider skin cancers unlikely. Over 90% of skin cancers appear on sun-exposed skin, usually found on the face, neck, ears, forearms, and hands, but an alarming number are also found in the legs, ankles, and feet.

Why does sun cause skin cancer? Overexposure to sunlight damages the top layer, or epidermis of the skin. The most dangerous skin cancer is called melanoma, meaning a tumor of pigment producing cells.

Melanomas can spread early to the lungs, liver, and brain making it a rapidly fatal cancer. It is expected tha something over 8,500 people will die from skin cancers this year! Most melanomas can be cured with early diagnosis and treatment.

Squamous Cell Carcinomas occur commonly on the forehead, lips, and handsbut they can be found on the arms hands, legs, and feet. These cancers can spread and early diagnosis and treatment is critical.

Basal Cell Carcinomas rarely spread to distant structures, but, if untreated, can destroy large portions of the face, scalp, nose, ears, and vast areas of skin. They can result in gross disfigurement if not treated early. Fair-skinned people are at greater risk for these cancers.

My heartfelt advice:

1. Please, have your moles and skin lesions checked. To put off doing so could be fatal. Ask your primary care physician or dermatologist to do a yearly skin check, all over. Don't be modest about this. Your life could be at stake. I routinely check patients for suspicious moles and lesions on their legs, ankles, and feet. You need at least a yearly check-up with your podiatrist.

2. Use sun blocks to protect exposed skin, even in winter and don't forget your legs and feet if they will be exposed!

3. Learn the ABCDs of skin cancer:
Asymmetry - The sides don't match.
Border - It looks uneven or ragged.
Color - It has more than one color. These colors may have an uneven distribution.
Diameter - They appear wider than a pencil eraser. Also, look for ulceration, craters, donut-shaped edges, bleeding, or slow healing if the lesion is ulcerated. Any mole on the toes or the bottom of the foot is suspicious. If you notice a mole on a friend or family member that meets any of these criteria, gently encourage them to get it checked "to be safe".

By: Ronald Worley

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spices Shield Against Skin Cancer

Spices Shield Against Skin Cancer

Spices Save Your Skin

Skin cancers are the commonest cancers globally and by far the majority of these ubiquitous tumours are caused by excessive exposure to the sun.

The sun's ultraviolet rays (UVR) are those responsible for inducing several pre-malignant processes in the skin. Not only do they damage DNA directly but they also cause inflammation, excess free radical production and immunosuppression. These factors combine to form a tumourigenic cocktail that increases the risk for melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers.

In spite of their potentially damaging effects UVRs also provide crucial health benefits; therefore it is important that the human skin is exposed to the sun for limited periods of time. The most important of these benefits is UVB rays' involvement in the production of vitamin D from dehydrocholesterol in the deep layers of the skin.

There is also evidence that a lack of exposure to the sun's rays is a significant factor in the development of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and certain malignancies other than skin cancer.

It is worth noting that the human body does attempt to prevent the accumulation of radiation damage and does so by initiating repair mechanisms at relatively low levels of radiation exposure.

These processes involve both intrinsic and extrinsic (plant derived) antioxidants, enzymes and other protective plant based compounds and work in the following ways:

1. Activation of mechanisms that counter free radical damage and oxidative stress.

2. Acceleration of programmed cell death (apoptosis) of pre-cancerous cells.

3. Activation of DNA repair mechanisms at low levels of radiation exposure.

There is a dichotomy in relation to UVR. On the one hand, in order to sustain normal physiological processes, we need a certain amount of exposure to the sun. However, if we are exposed to excessive amounts of UVR and have inadequate protective biological processes, we increase our risk for several different types of skin cancer.

It seems obvious that, as humans have lived for eons with constant exposure to the sun, our bodies would have adapted protective strategies to counter the damaging effects of UVR while still obtaining the benefits thereof. We now know what some of these strategies are but, in order to understand how to enhance them, we need to take a look back over thousands of years at the vital role nutrient dense plant foods play in this regard.

Only a few thousand years ago our hunter-gatherer ancestors roamed, more or less naked, predominantly in the sun-drenched regions of the planet. Thanks to a more extensive ozone layer, they were probably exposed to slightly lower doses of UV radiation per unit time than we are today. However they undoubtedly spent long periods of time in the sun while they hunted and collected plant foods. They also had dark skins that gave them an extra measure (but by no means complete) of protection against excessive UVR exposure. There is evidence that they lived well into their sixties and were therefore subject to significant UVR exposure for several decades.

Protective phytonutrients

The key to our forefathers' success in countering UVR damage was their consumption of a diet rich in phytonutrients. Owing to their active lifestyle, hunter-gatherer communities consumed a high calorific diet. The difference between their high calorie diet and a contemporary high calorie diet is that the former consisted largely of richly flavoured (spicy), phytonutrient-dense plant foods while the modern diet is dominated by relatively bland nutrient deficient plant foods.

The nutritional characteristics of the plants that hunter-gatherers consumed were different to ours in that they had far higher phytonutrient/calorie ratios to the plants we eat today. Those that are available nowadays are generally energy dense plant foods with much lower phytonutrient/calorie ratios.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, we eat many grain based foods that have very high carbohydrate levels and relatively low phytonutrient levels. Secondly, over the centuries, we have bred varieties of most of our grains, fruit and vegetables that are far bigger, sweeter and starchier than they were in their natural state.

Add to this modern chemical farming methods and we now have plant foods with very low phytonutrient/calorie ratios that consist primarily of water and carbohydrates. These provide far fewer protective compounds than they did several thousand years ago. This translates into reduced intake of phytonutrients that, in adequate amounts, could protect us against UVR and other carcinogenic environmental factors.

The only food categories that have more or less escaped the plant breeders' attentions are the spices. Spices are the plant foods closest to those that our ancestors ate. They have extremely high phytonutrient/calorie ratios and contain large concentrations of a wide variety of powerful antioxidants and other protective nutrients.

Recent scientific evidence has shown that several spices contain compounds that are very effective in countering UVR damage to the skin. These molecules possess the ability to act as direct and indirect antioxidants. They have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties and can activate genes that control lasting protective processes against UVR damage. Scientists working in this field have also noted that multiple antioxidant compounds (found in phytonutrient-rich plants) have a better protective effect than high doses of single antioxidant supplements.

Spices known to have specific protective effects against radiation damage are:

Turmeric contains the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, curcumin that has remarkable cancer fighting abilities against several cancers including melanomas.

Mustard contains sulphorafane, a non-antioxidant compound also found in cruciferous plants such as broccoli. Sulphorafane works by activating the body's intrinsic cellular defenses against UVR and has been shown counter skin malignancies when used both internally and topically.

Curcumin and sulphoraphane are only two of the spice-based compounds that are currently being studied as possible treatments for a range of skin and other cancers. However, as spices provide a wide array of antioxidant and other protective compounds, it is highly likely that there are many more of them that can help us contain skin cancers as they undoubtedly did for our hunter-gatherer ancestors.

A combination of selective plant breeding, modern agricultural methods and poor dietary habits means that, without an injection into our diets of a significant quantity and variety of phytonutrient-rich foods such as spices, it almost impossible to obtain the optimum quantities of protective plant compounds. Until we do so we will continue to see a rise in the incidence of skin cancers and other malignancies.

By: Keith Scott MD

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dangers Of Lung Cancer

Dangers Of Lung Cancer

The cause of lung cancer has been seen to be the abnormalities in cells. The body of human beings automatically regulates the production and growth of cells when the body needs them. If there is uncontrolled growth of cell in the tissues of the lungs, then final results may be developing of lung cancer.

Symptoms of lung cancer vary depending on the location and the spreading effect of the tumor but one cannot easily identify early warnings of lung cancer. The best thing one can do is consult a doctor in cases of a new persistent cough or the worsening of an existing chronic cough, if there is blood in his sputum, chest pains and difficulties in breathing and unexplained weight loss

Cancer of the lungs can be categorized into primary lung cancer and Mesothelioma. The primary lung cancer is cancer that starts in the lungs while the Mesothelioma or also referred to as secondary lung cancer normally results when the origin of the cancer was from another part of the body spreading to the lungs. The causes of lung cancer can be through smoking, radon gas, asbestos or viruses not forgetting the genetic risk.

Smoking: Smoking of cigarettes is the leading cause of lung cancer. In the developed world, cigarette smoking accounts for more than 80% of lung cancer related deaths. People who start smoking at a tender age are at a higher risk of developing lung cancer earlier in life due to the high exposure period. Non-smokers can also develop this type of cancer when they inhale smoke released by smokers found in their midst. All these modes are equally dangerous that is, the active pipe or cigar smoker and the passive smoker.

Radon Gas: This gas is natural in occurrence and is known to pass from the soil to building foundations. Exposure to these gases will very much vary as per the locality and the underlying soil and rocks in that area.

Asbestos: Individuals who have had prolonged contact with asbestos stand a higher chance of developing lung cancer especially in the event they do smoke for the combination of asbestos and tobacco will tend to act as one thus increasing the risks. Heavy exposure to asbestos may result to far greater risks of developing lung cancer.

Viruses: In early times, viruses where thought to only cause lung cancer in animal. However, recent studies show that they can cause cancer I humans too. These viruses include JC virus, simian, papillomavirus and others.

To prevent lung cancer, people should stop smoking.

By: DouglasGrahame
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Look At Skin Cancer Treatments

A Look At Skin Cancer Treatments

If you have been told that you have skin cancer you could well be unsure about the treatment you will receive as, even if you have already had your treatment options explained to you in detail by your doctor, you might still be confused by all the technical and medical jargon that was used. You might not have been able to take in the information because of the shock following the diagnosis.

Here therefore is a brief description of a few of the treatments which are commonly used when treating skin cancer.
The specific type of treatment you will receive will depend upon a variety of different factors including such things as your age and whether or not your cancer has spread to other parts of your body.

Your treatment could consist of surgery in which the surgeon could decide to remove the cancerous region itself together with some of the surrounding skin. Precisely how much health skin should be surgically removed will depend on the specific form of cancer found and how deep that cancer is. Usually an area of approximately one or two centimeters of surrounding skin will be removed.

Some forms of skin cancer can be treated by freezing using liquid nitrogen or treated with drugs like Imiquimod which is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the use on superficial basal cell carcinoma.

More extensive surgery might be necessary where a sentinel lymph node shows cancer cells after a biopsy of any suspect area. This type of surgery removes lymph nodes close to the cancer along with affected skin and is frequently followed by radiotherapy.

Another recent development for skin cancer treatment is what is referred to as immunotherapy cancer vaccination although research into this particular form of treatment is still being conducted and it is not yet widely available. Chemotherapy could also be recommended if your cancer has spread into other areas.

There is no definitive form of prevention for skin cancer but there are various things that you can do to minimize your chance of developing the problem and the most important and often disregarded is to reduce your skin's exposure to the sun.

Everyone, no matter what the color or type of skin you have should use a sunscreen that has a protection factor of at least 15. It is also a good idea to wear sufficient clothing and remain out of the sun as much as you can, particularly between the hours of 11am and 3pm when the sun’s rays are at their strongest. By the same token, it is not advisable to use sunlamps and sun beds as these too produce harmful rays.

Finally, keep an eye on your skin and pay particular attention to any alterations to moles and lesions. If you notice any changes then you should see your doctor as soon as possible so that you can be treated while the problem is at an early stage

By: Donald Saunders
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Understanding Prostate Cancer

Understanding Prostate Cancer

In case you are unfamiliar of what the prostate is, it is a gland within the male reproductive system which is located right underneath the bladder and right in front of the rectum. When you have a health prostate, it is similar to the size of a walnut. In the event that the prostate enlarges, it will squeeze the urethra and it will either slow or completely stop the urine from making its way from the bladder to its final destination, the penis. Within this article, we are going to discuss prostate cancer so that you may be better aware of what this cancer entails.

The very first thing that you should know is that all prostate enlargements aren't cancer. In all actuality, there can be many causes of prostate enlargement other than cancer. For instance, benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH is used to describe a condition where there is abnormal growth of the benign cells which is noncancerous. Within this condition, the prostate enlarges and as a result it squeezes the urethra, which prevents the normal urine flow.

Within the United States, BPH is known to be a very common problem among men that are over the age of fifty. There are some men that may experience symptoms that are so severe that they need treatment. For all men that are fifty years old and older, screening is recommended for prostate cancer. A simple blood test will be able to test for all of signs of cancer, not to mention that there is an examination known as the digital rectal examination.

First, the blood test will be conducted, and the only time that the digital rectal examination is performed is if there is some type of indication that there could be a problem. Below, you will learn all of the risk factors that are known to increase your likelihood of developing prostate cancer.

1. Smoking: By now you should realize that smoking will put each and every individual at a much higher risk of developing all different types of cancer.

2. Age: All of the men that are over the age of fifty are more than likely going to develop the disease in comparison to younger men.

3. Race: All of the men that are of the African American race are more likely to develop prostate cancer than any of the other ethnic groups.

4. Family History: In the event that within the family, there is a history of developing prostate cancer, your risk is going to increase.

5. Diet: Any diet that consists of high amounts of animal fat is believed to increase your risk of developing the prostate cancer.

In the event that you think you may be suffering from prostate cancer, it is very important that you contact your physician right away.

By: Marlon Dirk

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Skin Cancer - Warnings And Signs About Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer - Warnings And Signs About Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States – an estimated million cases are diagnosed annually and around 20% of people will show signs of skin cancer at some point during their lifetime. Less than 1,000 people die from skin cancer in a typical year, although if you have any skin cancer symptoms or experienced any skin cancer warning signs, it’s important to have them checked.

People of all skin tones can develop skin cancer, including those with darker skin tones; and it’s important to know what some of the skin cancer warning signs are. Skin cancer tends to develop more on those parts of the body that are more often exposed to the sun – face, neck, chest, back, arms and legs – although it can also develop on areas not usually exposed to sunlight.

There are several types of skin cancer; melanoma is the most serious and causes the most deaths. Anyone can get melanoma, although if there is a history of it in your family, you are more susceptible. And if you spend lots of time outdoors, live at a higher altitude where UV rays are not filtered as effectively, or have had several bad sunburns, you also have a higher risk of developing melanoma.

Moles and freckles are two of the biggest warning signs of melanoma. A melanoma can not only form on the skin, but will frequently grow from an existing mole or freckle. One of the biggest differences between normal moles and melanomas is the color – a normal mole or freckle is black or brown, with a well-defined edge; a melanoma is often multicolored, has different shades, or may ooze fluid.

It’s possible to examine your own body regularly to try to keep track of any freckles, moles or blemishes. Be particularly careful of any that seem to grow in size, are different colors or won’t heal. If in doubt, always have any suspicious moles or freckles examined by a doctor – the sooner they are treated, the less chance of the disease spreading to other parts of the body.

Basal cell carcinoma is the commonest form of the disease also. Warning signs include a flesh-colored or brown lesion on the back or chest, or a waxy bump on the neck, face or ears. This type of skin cancer is not likely to spread to other areas of the body; it’s also fairly easy to treat. Squamous cell carcinoma is also easily treated; warning symptoms of this include a lesion with a crusty surface on the arms or face; or a red nodule on the face, neck or arms.

There are several less common forms of skin cancer. Merkel cell carcinoma is rare, although it can spread rapidly. The warning signs are firm, shiny nodules found in hair follicles and just below the skin on areas of the body exposed to the sun. Also rare is Kaposi’s sarcoma, found mainly in people with a weakened immune system; warning signs are purple patches on the skin. Sebaceous gland carcinoma is characterized by hard nodules on the body, especially on the eyelid.

Skin cancer is completely curable, if found and treated early enough. The hard part is perhaps determining what the warning sign of skin cancer is and what is normal – if in any doubt, have it checked out by a doctor or skin specialist.

By: E B Ezidiegwu

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Signs Of Skin Cancer

Signs Of Skin Cancer

A survey of the American Cancer Society says that three out of every four
American families have at least one family member diagnosed with cancer. A cancer diagnosis affects not only the cancer patient, but also their family, friends & co-workers. Any kind of relationship with a cancer patient should provide them with some amount of support, proving you to be an understanding person, who is able to appreciate their situation.

A cancer diagnosis can be a real crisis; everything seems to going in a haphazard way. There is also a need to provide a superficial feeling of ‘the helping hand’, as you struggle to comprehend your own feelings. Escorting a cancer patient to navigate the maze of details like finding an oncologist, understanding their treatment options, furnishing health updates etc are a few of the important functions that you ought to perform.

Below are some tips to help you cope when someone you love is diagnosed with cancer:

• One way to keep the mind free from being vulnerable and besieged is to offer support. Taking things in a pragmatic way such as driving them to treatments or doctors’ appointments, running errands, baby-sitting, doing household work etc helps a lot. Ask them what they are most concerned about not being able to do.
• Some questions posed at the doctor if and when you accompany your loved one to their appointments will definitely not go amiss.
• Don’t get startled if any change occurs in their behavior and mood.
Cancer medications, sickness, and stress can cause your loved one to become arrogant or morose. For example: - Generally this kind of behavior is seen in skin cancer patients. So you need to maintain some amount of tolerance while dealing with a cancer patient.
• Keep them as active and independent as possible, which will help your loved one to regain a sense of confidence and control over their life.
• Be practical and realistic in terms of daily requirements. Get enough sleep, eat properly, and take some time off for yourself, because you will not be able to work in times of help or need if you are exhausted and sick.
Take care of yourself and your needs; it will be easier to meet the needs of your loved one.
• Ask other family members and friends to help. They will appreciate the opportunity to do so.
• Maintain a positive attitude.
• Accept that there are things that are beyond your control.
• Be assertive instead of aggressive. Assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of fuming, being belligerent or passive.
• Fight stress, learn to relax. Exercise regularly.
• Avoid confrontation; feel at ease with their answers.
Join a support group for friends and families of cancer patients.

Remember that you are not alone if someone you love is diagnosed with cancer. You are likely to experience a conflicting range of emotions, including disbelief, anger, relief, worry and even guilt. Fears of mortality, puzzling family roles, having your own needs met, and uncertainty about the future can surface when your loved one is diagnosed with cancer. These are customary feelings which may prove to be a problem. It will hence be beneficial to talk to others who are undergoing the same problems. These were some common points led down by American cancer society.

By: Deborah Smith
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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

Symptoms Of Lung Cancer

The early symptoms of lung cancer are one of the most important things that those who are at risk for the disease can do. Lung cancer is the most treatable when it is discovered early, and the only way to discover it early enough is to recognize and report the early symptoms of lung cancer. If you are noticing a combination of these lung cancer symptoms, be sure to talk to your doctor.
One of the early symptoms of lung cancer is a nagging cough that simply will not get better. Often the cough worsens with time and is accompanied by chronic chest pain. Coughing up blood is another of the many early symptoms of lung cancer. In fact, coughing up blood is one of the biggest symptoms that sends lung cancer patients to their doctors. Recurring bronchitis or pneumonia sometimes indicates that the disease is present. Fatigue and shortness of breath are more symptoms to watch out for if you suspect the disease.

Lung Cancer
Cancers form when certain cells in the body grow and multiply in an uncontrolled fashion. When such uncontrolled growth affects lung tissues, a lung cancer forms. Lung cancer is classified into two main types- small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. An estimated 80 percent of lung cancer patients have non-small cell lung cancer.
Smoking or inhaling second hand smoke, environmental exposures such as asbestos and radon gas, and a family history of lung cancer increase the risk of an individual getting lung cancer. However, some lung cancers arise in the absence of these risk factors. Factors that may protect people from lung cancer are not smoking, avoiding second hand smoke, a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit, and limiting exposure to potential carcinogens in the environment such as radon.

Lung Cancer Stages
Cancers are staged depending on how far they have spread. Staging a cancer correctly is essential to select the most appropriate treatment option. A number of diagnostic tests, such as CT scans, MRIs, bronchoscopy, blood tests, bone scans, and biopsies are used to find out how far the cancer has spread.
Non-small cell lung cancers, which account for about 80 percent of lung cancers, are staged using the Roman numerals 0 through IV. If a cancer is too small to be detected, it is called an occult or hidden cancer and not assigned any numeral. Stage 0 cancer, or carcinoma in situ, is limited to the lung and only involves a few layers of cells. Stage I cancer is still limited to the lung, with an area of normal tissue surrounding it. Stage I cancers are further divided into Stage IA and Stage IB, depending on the size of the tumor. In stage II cancer, the cancer may have spread to nearby lymph nodes, the chest wall, the diaphragm, or to the tissues lining the lung (pleura) and the heart (pericardium). In stage III cancer, lymph nodes in the central chest or on the other side of the body from the original tumor are involved.

Lung Cancer Treatment
The most commonly used treatments for lung cancer are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The exact treatment a lung cancer patient receives will depend on several factors. These include the type of cancer, the stage or extent to which it has spread at the time of diagnosis, and the overall health of the patient.

Non-small cell lung cancer, which accounts for about 80 percent of lung cancer cases, is treated depending on its stage at diagnosis. Lung surgery is the mainstay of treatment for the early stages of lung cancer. Cancerous tissue, along with a margin of healthy tissue, is removed. Patients who are unable to have surgery may be treated with radiotherapy.

While cure rates for early lung cancer are good, it is rarely detected in its early stages. As non-small cell cancer spreads within the chest, it is treated with some combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Once cancer has spread to other parts of the body, chemotherapy and radiotherapy replace surgery as the main treatment options. A number of drugs are available, and many more are being tested in clinical trials. Radiotherapy is palliative, and while it may ease symptoms such as pain and cough, it will not stop cancer growth. If the cancer obstructs a major airway, using a laser, freezing the tumor or keeping the airway open with a stent or tube may remove the obstruction.

By: "Rich jammes"
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Monday, January 5, 2009

Colon Cancer Symptoms

Colon Cancer Symptoms

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. In the United States, around 1000 patients die each day from complications of cancer. Approximately 2.4 million Americans are expected to be diagnosed with the dreaded disease in 2007. The exact cause of cancer is unknown. It is only characterized by the abnormal cell division and growth. Genetics, exposure to chemicals and lifestyle are just some of the risk factors in cancer.

Colon cancer is a particular cancer in which the primary affected area is the colon. Many studies showed that people with colon cancer are those who have been smoking, drinking excessively, suffers from inflammatory bowel disease and are obese. Regular colon cancer screenings should be accomplished if you are considered to be at risk. This kinds of screenings can help you fight against any kind of colon cancer that might decide to rear its ugly head. It's important to take care of the matter before it becomes too much of a problem.

If you are exhibiting the following colon cancer symptoms, you should be evaluated for colorectal cancer at once.

1. Irregular bowel movements: you could have less or more bowel movements if you have colon cancer. You can even experience constipation more often. This is because the tumor in your colon is already obstructing the regular flow of your bowel.

2. Stomach Cramps- due to bowel obstruction, you will feel stomach cramps and sometimes even bloating. As the tumor grows bigger, it could actually be perforating the bowel wall causing pain and discomfort.

3. Bloody Stool- you might observe bleeding in your bowel. Sometimes the blood will be present in a very small amount and not be noticed. But there are also cases, where the stool is really bloody. A fecal occult blood test can confirm presence of blood in your stool.

4. Unexplained weight loss- one of the classic sign of cancer is weight loss. If you are losing weight even if you are not trying, you should ask your doctor.

5. Fatigue- another colon cancer symptom to look out for is unexplained tiredness. Some experts link this symptom to anemia or iron deficiency. To be sure, you should have your blood checked.

6. Nausea and vomiting- because of the tumor in your colon area, you might feel nauseous and even vomit for no apparent reason.

7. Gassy- obstruction of the colon by a tumor causes air to be trapped.

Diagnosing colon cancer can be done in a number of ways. Your doctor could perform a digital rectal exam to check for abnormal areas in your rectum. Another way is to take endoscopic images of your colon. This is done by inserting a lighted device in you rectum and images are transmitted to a monitor. This is a very accurate test and could also differentiate between a polyp and a tumor growth.

If detected early, colon cancer can be treated by surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The key is early diagnosis. Chances for survival are higher for people who are diagnosed at the early stages of colon cancer. This is the reason why you should be evaluated or screened by a cancer expert especially if you are exhibiting classic colon cancer symptoms.

By: Sven Ullmann

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