Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Coping With Lung Cancer

Coping With Lung Cancer

It can be very difficult at first for a newly diagnosed patient to cope with the diagnosis of lung cancer, both emotionally and practically. At first, the reaction may be of sadness, confusion, loneliness, and even anger; followed by the big question: "Why me?"

However, as this unexpected news begins to slowly sink-in, a more rational look at the situation must be taken. After the final acceptance of what is now reality, a patient must begin to prepare for what is going to happen next. Patient preparation is all about a patient's awareness, and the understanding of what exactly can be expected in the coming days, weeks, or months that lay ahead.

Often this preparation can play as an important role in the treatment of a patient, as the treatment that may be offered itself. With a clearer understanding of their cancer, and the types of treatment that are available, a patient is more likely to be able to make decisions and cope with what happens next.

Lung cancer and its treatment may affect patients in different ways, depending much on the staging of the cancer when it was diagnosed, and the gender and general health of the individual. However, at some point physical changes will begin to affect the body, if not affected by the cancer, by the treatment itself.

It is quite common for these changes to affect how an individual may relate to other people, due to the constant feeling of being overly tired, lethargic, and suffering from a severely damaged self-esteem. Usually family and friends are the first to notice these changes, as they are the ones that will usually feel the brunt of them.

Family and friends tend to rally round and can be of a much need support in times of trouble; however, there are other options on-hand to cancer sufferers as well. Apart from support from the cancer clinic itself, cancer help organizations that specialize in helping sufferers cope with their illness can also be very useful.

Usually information about such organizations are on-hand from the cancer clinic, although information can also be found on the Internet and in the yellow pages. Both the clinic, and these organizations will be able to offer support such as with a physiotherapist, or dietitian. Information relating to sick pay, benefit entitlement and such, can be obtained from social workers.

Social workers may also be able to arrange help after coming out of hospital, and more so when the patient lives on their own. There are many options of help available for cancer patients. However, hope and belief in that everything will turn-out OK should never be forgotten, as they can both be very powerful treatments in themselves.

Philip is a Freelance Writer, Author, and Owner of Cancer Cry. He was born in Oxfordshire, England; however, today he lives in Mexico where he has been based for many years, researching and writing about cancer and other health related issues.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Philip_Albert_Edmonds-Hunt

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7894960
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